Monday, July 5, 2010


This is going to be one of the longest blogs ever but Andrew and Jess have been out of wifi while in France: the entirety of the last 5 days. It has been rather agonizing to be without it, so many things piling up for the blog but no way to tell them! To catch you up:

Day 6:
Today our host families gathered all of the members of RCJ and guests for a tour of the northern English countryside including several main attractions. We woke up very early and began our bus ride to a castle, complete with tapestries, which has now been turned into a hotel. It had lovely grounds and of course there was tea waiting for us. First, Andrew took pictures in the garden. Next stop, an old train station, which Andrew really enjoyed. We made our first purchases at the train station's gift shop. Andrew bought some bells and Jess bought some little gifts. No spoilers here, though!
Next we drove to Durham to see a gorgeous castle. Andrew and Jess climbed all the way to the top. The stairs were very narrow towards to top and even though Jess didn't exactly get claustrophobic, she was definitely glad to see light when there were windows. The view was breath-taking! Breath-taking views and overly warm buses would be a theme for us the next few days in England.

After the cathedral was lunch, a hurried affair eaten on the run. Then we drove to a lighthouse, St. Mary's Lighthouse in Northern England. It was beautiful and of course we hurried to climb to the top before the tide came in. We took loads of pictures and Jess played in the water, splashing at everything. Watching the tide come in so quickly was a real treat! Pictures to come soon!

Finally we went to dinner at a pub that RCJ basically invaded. It was right next to the water as well: the whole day was a theme of docks and beaches.

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