Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 1 and 2: Travel & Arrival


Welcome to the adventures of Andrew and Jess; our 2 week tour of Europe with the River Cities Jazz Band.

Our first flight from Appleton to Milwaukee was cancelled so we were given ground transportation to MKE to make our connecting flight. We flew from MKE to the Twin Cities, where we met up with the rest of RCJ. First things first, dinner at Chili's in the airport: MARGARITAS!

Then we finally boarded our trans-atlantic flight at 9:30 pm on Wednesday. Jess watched a movie while Andrew slept. Constantly.

After traveling for over 24 hours, we have finally settled down just outside of Liverpool, in a little Rotary hotel called Devonshire Place. How British! Jess keeps talking about the British cows on the countryside, but Andrew maintains that they are just cows who happen to be in the UK, not British cows.

The hotel is lovely, as is the view from our window! Everyone of course speaks with a distinct British accent, which is strange to Jess to be coming out of real people rather than a tv character. At the airport in Heathrow, Jess was extremely confused when asked if she wanted her tea "fa'ear" or "take-away." We're also meeting tomorrow for breakfast at half eight! The concert on Saturday is going to be a "bit of a do" and we'll be fed a traditional "steak and strawberries barbecue."

Stay tuned for more adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Especially love the photo of clouds. Don't know what they look like here, so it's great that you included them.
